LG Service Center In Bekal
LG mobile phone service centers in Bekal, Kerala
We have a list of LG Service Centers In Bekal. You can check address, contact number and email address of LG mobile phone service center In Bekal.
Apple Electronics& Refrigirators
LG Service Center Location: Bekal, Kerala
Service Center Address: Bldg No Kmc 445/446, Anabagilub/D City Tower Kasargod Near Bus Stand, Kasaragod, Kl, 671121 - 671121
Sevice Center Phone number: 9633395537
Other LG service centers and dealers in Bekal
Indian Metro
In Udma, Kasaragod
Address: Kasaragod - 671319 ,
Indian Road Uduma,
Phone number: +91-9249425001
Mobile Max
In , Kasaragod
Address: Near To Bank Of Baroda ,
Prestige Complex, MG Road, Kasaragod
Phone number: +91-4994-225299
X N Computers & Datacare
Address: Kasaragod - 671121 ,
Bendichal Commercial Complex, Press Club
Phone number:
In , Kasaragod
Address: Near Old Bus Stand ,
Mundol Building, Railway Station Road, Kasaragod
Phone number: +91-9995530333
Britco & Bridco
In Kanhangad, KASARAGOD
Address: Near Family Restaurant ,
Royal Complex, Railway Link Road, Kanhangad, KASARAGOD
Phone number: +91-9947630000
Mobile City
In Nileshwar, Kasaragod
Address: Kasaragod - 671314 ,
Market Road,
Phone number: +91-9656447449
Chikkus Mobile Care
In Chimeni, Kasaragod
Address: Opp. Juma masjid ,
Main road cheemeni, Chimeni, Kasaragod
Phone number: +91-4672-250250
If you were looking for LG service centers in Bekal, you have come to the right place. We also have list of other Mobile phone service centers in Bekal, Kerala. We also have details about other LG service center details in Kerala.
Please call the service center before making a visit. Carry original bill of phone with you. If any information here is inaccurate please help us by submitting correct information here.
- We found 8 LG service centers in Bekal.
LG service center in Bekal, Kerala will help you repair your mobile phone and solve any screen, performance, software upgrade, speaker, water spill issues. You can also check all LG service centres in India.
LG contact and customer service details
LG - life's good as the company states in it's tagline is a consumer electronics manufacturer. LG makes mobile phones, televisions, fridge, washing machines, air conditioners and what not. You can contact LG customer service at 1800 315 9999.
Toll free number: 1800 315 9999
Phone number: 1800-180-3575